Since 2021 lil wabbit has donated almost £10,000 for the pets of people experiencing homelessness via the amazing charity StreetVet. In 2024 Jai has decided to take on his own personal challenge to support StreetVet's work by running 12 marathons in 12 months.
Christmas is a magical time of year with gift giving at the very heart of it, but after a year where our focus has been pulled over to some of the worlds biggest issues, many of us are wanting to purchase people and planet friendly gifts for our loved ones.
This year at lil wabbit, we’ve decided to produce a collection of cards that allow people to celebrate all types of motherly figures; mums, grandmothers, carers, big sisters, aunties, step-mums, god mothers, anyone and everyone who cares, guides, loves and gives a good cuddle at the end of a hard day.
I am forever feeling frustrated thinking about how hard it is to shop without adding to the global issues of plastic pollution and deforestation… so I decided to try and make a small difference this year, by going plastic free with all bathrooms products.
When Jai asked, would you like a blog on the website, I answered “YES!” with basically no thought on what I would write about, or what writing a blog would entail...